The Long Term Effects Of Taking Medication For Prolonged Periods

The medical world has come a long way in the last few decades, and because of this we are seeing amazing things happen in the world of vaccines being created and people getting better from long term illnesses and disease. However, because of medical breakthroughs, it has meant that some people have grown reliant on taking prescription medication or using some of these medications in the long term. While there may not be anything wrong with this, you have to ask yourself what are the long term effects of taking medication for prolonged periods? With that in mind, here are some of the things to think about.


When you take prescription medication for too long, you have to take into account that because you have done, this may have altered the brain’s structure. This is because it grows accustomed to having the prescription drug in your body and adapts accordingly. So for people who then want to stop taking it, perhaps coming off it completely without a medically induced plan to slow the dosage, it results in your brain’s functionality changing rapidly. This is what creates the withdrawal syndrome.


The longer you take something, the more your body becomes accustomed to it. This often means that you have developed a tolerance to the prescription drug you are taking and are no longer seeing the original benefits. This is very evident in prescription drugs that are used for pain. You start to notice that the pain doesn’t go away once your body has become accustomed to the painkiller. You therefore indeed have a higher dosage in order to feel the original benefit, and so it can become a vicious cycle.

Drug Resistance 

Another thing you may have to consider is drug resistance. As your body gets used to the prescription drugs you are taking, you may no longer benefit from them at all. You therefore may need to have other drugs prescribed alongside them, causing more dependence in the long term. This could be problematic when it comes to drug testing or tracing where people like Brad Schaeffer of Medcomp Sciences have knowledge of what might be involved. If you end up being prescribed too many prescription drugs it can lead on to other problems in the future. This is where you should always seek extra medical advice when needed.

Never Truly Combatting The Original Problem 

Last of all, it is worth remembering that even though you diligently have been taking the prescription medication, it may never eradicate and combat the original problem. Especially if you have been using the drugs for a long period of time. Often you are only prescribed for the symptoms that you are feeling and not necessarily for what is causing the complaint. For example, when being prescribed medication for mental health. While the medication can help with the symptoms of mental health it doesn’t necessarily resolve what has originally caused you to feel that way.

Let’s hope highlighting these things will help you to make informed choices when it comes to taking prescribed medication.

*collaborative post

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