Permaculture Gardening Is The Way Of The Future: How To Embrace It Today

Permaculture gardening heavily relies on nature and the inner workings of your local environment. It mirrors the observational growing that many Indigenous communities have been practicing for hundreds of years.

The specific term permaculture was coined by Bill Mollison in the 1970s and literally means “permanent agriculture.” It refers to the constant cycling that happens in this type of garden throughout the seasons.

The technique is similar to lasagna gardening in that permaculture gardens are, for the most part, self-sustaining. They don’t require much labor from your end and instead thrive off natural forces like the sun, wind, and water.

Their diversity of native plants and reliance on natural fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides is what differentiates them from your typical backyard garden or farm. Given the threat of climate change, these gardens will only become more essential in the future.

Angelo Randaci, a master gardener and horticulture expert at Earth’s Ally tells mbg the basic philosophy of permaculture gardening is care; care for the earth and for people, with a focus on how they come together. 

In other words, you’ll give a little and gain a lot with this technique.

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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