Design The Perfect Mother’s Day Bouquet With This Florist-Approved Guide

Now for the fun part. Once you have all your snipped flowers laid out and your foam or tape at the ready if you’re using it, you can start putting in your flowers.

Thomason recommends always starting by placing your greens: “That’s going to give you a base and help it all stay together and stay up,” she says.

With that foundation in place, you can add your line flowers and filler flowers, then your statement blooms. Bouquet arranging is more of an art than a science, so Thomason’s advice here is just to learn as you go and get to know your arrangement. Eyeball what colors and textures you think look nice together, and cut some stems shorter and keep others long for a more layered look. Remember: You really can’t go wrong with such stunning materials, so just have fun with it.

If you have an idea of where your recipient will be placing their bouquet, that can help shape your arrangement too.

If you think it will be placed against a wall, for example, you can get away with only arranging half of the bouquet. “In that case, you’d want to put greens standing up on one side and acting as an anchor for the back,” Thomason says. “You can make the front really shine because that’s the moment you really need to focus on.”

If your arrangement is likely going on a table or counter, spin it as you go to make sure you’re seeing it from all sides and angles.

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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