Daily Rituals for Divine Feminine Energy | Goop

There are truly a million paths to the same outcome. Here are some pieces that have worked for me.

Cultivate a sacred space. Find a place in your home where you can set a meditation pillow and create a little altar, even if that’s just a candle, a crystal, or a flower. Something super simple. I’m constantly on the road, so I have a little travel alter kit that I bring with me that immediately grounds me into a space.

Experiment with practices and techniques. Journaling is powerful. Just do a big brain dump. Get all of your ideas and fears and crazy thoughts out of your mind and onto paper. Let yourself feel emptied out.

I sit with a cup of tea for twenty minutes. Tea is an incredible ally for awakening the spirit, grounding the body, and coming home to yourself. Drinking some tea helps soften us and opens us up to the day.

Meditation and breathwork can be life-changing. If you’re just starting out, start small. It could be five or ten minutes a day. If you’re like, “I’m going to meditate for thirty minutes every single day for three months,” you’ll likely go a couple of days and then fall off. You’ll be like, “That was stupid. I don’t like meditation. Breathwork doesn’t work.” You’ll lose momentum and end up pooh-poohing it. And then you’ve lost a treasure.

If you are someone who does not spend much time in the ethereal realm, having a more practical embodiment practice, like dancing or yoga or running—something that really grounds you in the body—may be a better fit for you.

Allow yourself space to explore. Start your morning practice with five or ten minutes a day for one week. Do it with someone else—an accountability partner. Text each other after you’ve done your practice. See how you feel after a week or two weeks or a month. If your practice is not working for you after your set period of time, change it up.

Listen to your intuition. These are purification practices. You remove the layers, the gunk, so you can have a more pristine experience of the true essence of yourself. When you do that, the people you attract into your life absolutely change. It doesn’t mean you need to ditch all your old friends. But you may find you no longer relate to the same people you once did. For example: I know I hung out with a lot of my friends because we would go drink together. We loved going out and getting drunk. And then when I stopped drinking, I couldn’t relate to them in the same way. No diss on them. It just was like, “Okay, these relationships aren’t nutrient-rich anymore. This is not feeling good.”

I believe in the power of magnetism. We attract other things and other beings that are vibrating at the same frequency as ourselves. If you’re deepening your relationship with the sacred feminine, you may start meeting more women who are on that path as well, who completely own their feminine power and redefine what that even means. Women who are deeply connected to the earth and to nature and in sync with the rhythms of this planet. And women who are paving their own path and not the one that was laid out or expected of them. Our power gets stronger when we expand our range of masculine and feminine energies and our capacity to create from our hearts.

If we’re creating from ego, driven by competition and money, we lose the harmonious balance with the planet. But if we are able to rise in our own sacred feminine power and create our world from a place of love and service—can you imagine?

This article was originally published by goop.com. Read the original article here.

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