A Keto Neuroscientist On How Going Keto Affects Your Gut Microbiome

“[Keto] does restrict plants and fruits to a certain degree that it could be impacting the diversity of the gut microbiome,” D’Agostino explains, especially if you’re only beginning to dip your toes into the keto waters. “Under some conditions, you might want to use probiotics,” he adds, if you really want to elevate your gut microbiome.* mindbodygreen’s probiotic+, for example, contains a unique combination of four bacterial strains to ease bloating, aid digestion, and help reset your gut.*

Some, however, may find that embarking on a keto diet actually enhances the microbial diversity in their gut: “I actually eat more plants on a ketogenic diet than I did growing up eating a high carb diet,” says D’Agostino. “Now, I have a lot of gut-healthy salads, vegetables, nuts, artichokes, and greens.” So even though the diet does exclude some foods, you might find that you’re eating a larger variety of plants than you had before—and, thus, you may have a more diverse microbiome. It all depends on the person, and it’s important to listen to what your own body is trying to tell you. 

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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