Why Castile Soap Is The Best Sustainable Beauty Hack

Many would consider the plant-based soap a hero product, as it’s incredibly versatile. “[You] can use it for so many things, like washing your face, body wash, washing your hair. There are so many uses for it,” notes Drutman. 

And for those who might scoff at using one product for all three regions, know that Castile soap is strong enough to give you a thorough cleanse and a thick lather, yet it’s gentle enough to keep from stripping your skin barrier. In fact, you can find it in a host of baby soaps—and babies arguably have the most sensitive, delicate skin. 

Some options even come loaded with other skin-supporting ingredients, like coconut or olive oil, as well as essential oils for scent. But for a no-frills, gentle wash? Regular ol’ Castile works like a charm. 

Not to mention, you can buy a pretty big jug of Castile soap in one go. For instance, here’s a half-gallon option you can snag from the Package Free Shop, an online, plastic-free retailer. “If you are going to [use] plastic, try to buy bottles that are a really big size,” adds Drutman. “That way, you’re using it for a long time and not going to buy another one for at least a few months.” And once you finally hit empty? “There are a lot of zero-waste shops and other spots where you can refill it,” Drutman notes. 

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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