Our Astrologers Called & They Want You To Beware Of Power Struggles This Week

Pro tip: Rather than succumbing to ancient infighting, seize the opportunity to do things differently. Step one: Declare your independence from dysfunctional dynamics, ancestral trauma, or any other debilitating patterns that have grafted to your family tree for far too many generations.

Make a promise to take care of yourself—and declare it out loud, record an audio memo, slip a reminder note in your pocket! Whatever it takes to remember your commitment to serenity when people start pushing your buttons. (And trust us, they will.)

Familiar “bonding” styles are hard to resist, even when they drive a wedge. Don’t take the bait! Instead, lean into Chiron in Aries, which activates the “spiritual warrior” in you. Change is possible—and proven through studies of neuroplasticity—but it takes conscious effort to transform old ways. For that reason, you may want to limit your exposure to certain people. Stop by your sister’s barbecue for an hour, for example, then go meet up with your chosen family for the real celebration.

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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