How Infrared Treatment Heals Pain? – Art of Healthy Living

Infrared light therapy is an innovative and new light-based therapy to treat inflammation and pain in different parts of the body. Unlike UV light, which might prove dangerous to the skin and the cells, infrared treatment can enhance cell generation.

Moreover, infrared light can be targeted and delivered with specific wavelengths into the areas of inflammation or injuries, thus contributing to cell repair. Therefore, the critical aspect of infrared light is its ability to effortlessly penetrate deep into the layers of your skin, providing you with better pain relief.

Infrared light is also natural, safe, and painless. So, this treatment can heal your pain and even benefit you with various other health benefits.

Why Is Infrared Therapy Widely Used?

Infrared treatment has been one of the most used therapy treatments of all. It’s widely used in fields such as veterinary, dentistry, autoimmune diseases, medicine, and a few more.

This therapy is all-natural and safe, enabling it to be a perfect alternative for different conditions such as joint stiffness, muscle pain, and arthritis.

Infrared therapy even has different roles in our human body, and these even include:

  • Detoxification
  • Improved circulation
  • Pain relief
  • Skin purification
  • Weight loss
  • Lowering the blood pressure
  • Reduced side effects of diabetes
  • Muscle tension reduction
  • Enhancing the immune system

How Does Infrared Light Benefit?

There are many benefits of deep penetrating light therapy, and the way this therapy works is just remarkable. Many health issues might get recovered with regular use of this therapy.

1.  Cardiovascular Health

One of the benefits of this therapy light treatment is it can provide a drastic improvement to your cardiovascular health.

Consistent use of infrared light therapy will increase the production of vital signaling molecules and nitric oxide, both of which are essential for the well-being of your blood vessels. This particular molecule will help relax your arteries and even prevent your blood from clumping and clotting in your vessels.

Apart from all these, it even combats those free radicals that prevent blood pressure regulation and oxidative stress. Nitric oxide is crucial for improving blood circulation, which provides more nutrients and oxygen to the injured tissues.

So, in short, infrared treatment hastens your wound healing, stimulates regeneration of your injured tissues, reduces your pain and inflammation.

2. Muscular Injuries

Infrared treatment improves the action of your mitochondria in your cells. This triggers the repair and growth of your new tissues and muscle cells. In conclusion, infrared therapy speeds up the repair process of your muscle injury.

3. Inflammation And Pain

Infrared therapy is a safe and effective remedy for inflammation and pain. Moreover, it can effortlessly penetrate deep down into the skin layers, through the muscles to your bones.

As infrared treatment improves and enhances the circulation in your skin and other parts of the body, it can bring nutrients and oxygen to your injured tissues and muscles, promoting healing.

In summary, infrared therapy can relieve inflammation, pain and even protect you from oxidative stress.

4. Potential Cancer Cure

Infrared therapy can also be a potential viable for cancer treatment. Studies have also shown notable activation of the nanoparticles, especially when these nanoparticles are exposed to infrared radiation.

One of these methods can be photoimmunotherapy, where a conjugated antibody- photo absorber is used to bind with the cancer cells.

Any Possible Risks To This Infrared Therapy

Humans are immersed in regular exposure to infrared radiation from the sun. So, it’s pretty apparent that infrared therapies are more in demand as everyone would prefer to get exposed to infrared radiation rather than the sun.

Despite being so much in demand, experts claim there might also be possible risks from these infrared radiations as well.

Heat or thermal injuries might take place, depending on the type of wavelength from the infrared light.

Moreover, the thermal damage might even take place without any signs of pain. Even people with heart diseases, pregnant women, and even those who suffer from any illness should not undergo this infrared therapy.

Moreover, experts have even warned people not to use infrared therapy to treat many chronic diseases as an alternative to medications.

Although infrared therapy might promise a lot of benefits, it also has its detrimental effects. Therefore, it’s essential to seek your doctor’s advice before taking these infrared light therapy, especially if you are suffering from any conditions.

How Often Should You Take This Therapy?

You can indeed carry out the infrared light therapies at your office, home, or even at the gym at least once or twice each day with your personal infrared light therapy device.

Treatment sessions might differ from 14 to 25 minutes, depending on the type of device you use or even the specific pain problem, for each area of your body. For best results, monitor your time in one area while using the device and then move to the next area when appropriate.

If you are new to red or infrared light therapy, it is advisable to start each day with a single treatment and monitor your results.

Although this is still an emerging technology, infrared therapy is being used increasingly.

An infrared light treatment device may even help if you suffer from muscle pain or inflammation, nerve pain, or joint stiffness. Still, you must consult with a professional first before practicing any of these therapy sessions.

Bottom Line

Infrared light therapies for your pain are usually a new concept to this world, and it’s going to take quite a few times to unveil the entire infrared light therapy. Although there are many signs of benefits with this therapy, further studies are still required to conclude.


*collaborative post

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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