Feeling Burnt Out? Try This Yoga Flow To Relieve Stress & Restore Ease

If you’ve been feeling stressed, out of sorts, or even a bit burnt out recently—you’re certainly not alone. Luckily, yoga is a wonderful tool in these challenging moments. In fact, research indicates this mind-body practice supports mental health, and may even ease symptoms of depression.

That’s why I put together this 15-minute yoga flow that’s all about turning your attention inside, filling up your own cup, and finding a sense of ease. We’ll move through a series of juicy stretches and restorative poses, all meant to help you tune in to what your body needs, and take a break from the stress of the world. I advise doing this flow any to draw your attention back inside and feel restore a natural state of well-being. 

Your 4-week challenge: This month, I’ve shared 4 different yoga routines you can do from home. Each one is designed to help you tune in to your body, connect with yourself, and find a sense of peace. I encourage you to make these routines part of your weekly workout schedule as often as you can (you can do this quick flow every single day), but aim for at least two to three times a week.

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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