Do You Have “Control Issues” In Your Relationships? This Might Be Why

According to somatic psychologist and author of Reclaiming PleasureHolly Richmond, Ph.D., controlling behavior that rears its head in romantic relationships often comes from not feeling secure enough in yourself. Because of your insecurities, you try to control whatever you can—including other people.

For that reason, controlling behavior often looks like insecure anxious attachment, according to Richmond. Maybe you get anxious when your partner is out and about without you, for example, so you constantly ask where they are and what they’re doing to keep tabs on them.

“Sometimes it can be fear of what’s going to happen, and there’s this bad movie playing in our head,” Richmond previously explained to mbg, “but sometimes it’s the not knowing.”

So, “control issues” could also be thought of as fear of the unknown. A controlling person may not trust themselves enough or feel secure enough to handle what comes their way, so they grip tightly on the things they can control.

It’s also worth mentioning that, while a controlling person may not necessarily fit the bill for narcissistic personality disorder, licensed marriage and family therapist Shane Birkel, LMFT previously told mbg that controlling behavior and other forms of manipulation can also be indicative of narcissism.

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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