Could coaching help thrive?

During the COVID pandemic, Natasha found herself having to make a rapid change of direction in her business. Luckily, she found Barefoot Coach Annie Lee who helped her find the inner strength and positivity to take on a challenge in the face of diversity, and thrive!

“I found Barefoot Coach, Coach Supervisor & Workshop Facilitator Annie Lee amidst the COVID lockdown period having had to pause one partnership business” said Natasha. “I had to rapidly grow my coaching business to take over as my main income stream for the family. I was lacking the inner strength to think differently and develop my business to a full time profitable company. Here’s three ways Annie helped me move from surviving, to thriving…

  1. The work we did exploring what was holding me back and why really enabled me to see the reality of my situation, connect with my strengths & create new more empowering beliefs. I felt a complete shift in my perspective, and I am no longer held back by my limiting beliefs. The weight I’d been carrying on my shoulders and the lump in my throat have both disappeared.  
  2. Having someone by my side to champion my work and be a sounding board was invaluable. The space we created together meant I felt safe to air my thoughts, feelings & ideas in complete confidence, giving me the opportunity to try things out and get creative. I feel liberated and very fulfilled and I’m now confidently providing group coaching as well as 1:1 coaching to my target market of local SME’s supporting business growth.  
  3. Within 5 individual sessions and some positive mindset group coaching sessions I invoiced more money in one month than I could ever have dreamt of.  I now have a full book of work going forward for the next six months and couldn’t be happier!”


Annie Lee: How I became a coach

“Having spent around ten years working in Higher Education, supporting both staff and student development, I found an increasing amount of my work involved enabling people to connect to their purpose and strengths.  This naturally led onto my studying a Post Graduate degree in coaching and setting up my very own coaching business in 2015.  I now work with a variety of clients supporting positive change in their lives, and I feel utterly blessed to do what I do!” – Annie Lee

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This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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