6 Energy-Clearing Techniques You’ve Never Heard Of (But Should Definitely Try)

Plants have been used to create space for millenniums upon millenniums. One of my favorite rituals is to sit with my beloved rosemary bush at the entryway to my house and ask for her energy to clear my own. I like to clip off a few sprigs and brush my entire body with the plant, starting from the soles of my feet up to my head, as I breathe deeply with the intention to clear out any energies I am holding that need to be released.

Another way I like to create space is to burn a tiny bit of bark from my favorite trees—cedar or cypress—and intentionally waft the smoke around my aura, home, and sacred spaces with my hand or a found feather. Cedar and cypress are two great alternatives to white sage and Palo Santo, both of which have risen in popularity as of late and are now on the bridge to extinction.

When sourcing, it is of utmost importance to obtain our herbal allies in sustainable and conscious ways and work with herbal allies we have formed a connection with from the heart. If that connection isn’t there, we cannot energetically receive its loving medicine.

I’d recommend noticing the plants that surround you where you are and which ones you feel a strong pull toward. Consider how you can work with those first. Cedar and rosemary are two close allies of mine, but they may not offer you the same help that they do for me.

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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