3 Reasons Your Sleep Is Off Right Now + A Supplement To Help

If you set your clocks forward an hour on Sunday, March 14, you likely felt the after-effects the next day, and the shift might still have some lingering impact on energy levels.

Sleep experts are in agreement that even an hour shift in sleep patterns is enough to cause prolonged grogginess and moodiness, and daylight saving time (DST) has been associated with an elevated risk of heart attacksstrokes, and mood disorders in the U.S. (For this reason, some healthcare professionals are even lobbying to get rid of it altogether.)

To give your body time to fully recover from DST, try to get in bed a few minutes earlier than usual for the next few weeks. Aiming to keep your home darker at night and lighter in the morning can also help you adjust to the new sunlight schedule. When possible, taking a walk first thing after waking will be especially energizing during this time of year.

“Avoid screens and TV right before bed,” adds Nicole Avena, Ph.D., an author and assistant professor of neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, “as the lights emitted can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.”

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