21 Women Explain What Sex Feels Like For Them, In Case You’re Curious

“Sex feels like I’m united with me; like every part of me, which are all me but which usually never interact, are suddenly connected in new crazy connections which only ever exist during sex.

Like: my nipple is sucked, and I feel an explosion-like sensation in that nipple, which makes sense, but at the same time I also feel that exact same sensation in my pussy, my ass, my hands, my toes—in a million places which usually never feel the same way as my breasts.

Or: my G-spot is stimulated persistently, and it feels like the entire area between my pussy and my throat is suddenly linked or has come together in one piece like a trunk. As if the stimulation connects my entire body and mental presence in that space, like the rhythmic pressure creates unison there, and all of me is stimulated by that touch, centered in that space, all while at the same time I go through a very wide range of emotions ranging from lust and pleasure to helplessness and fear to excitement, joy and gratitude, or almost spiritual contact.”

—Mie, 33

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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