Why Regenerative Travel Is the Future of Better Tourism—Plus How to Do It Right

Perhaps the most important way to travel with your regenerative hat on is to adopt the mindset wherever you are—namely by doing your research. “To contribute to a regenerative system, travelers can support locally-owned accommodations, tour operators, and restaurants, especially those actively working to enhance the community, environment, and spirit of the place,” advises Miller.

Another tip from Ho: Before your trip, ask your hotel if they have a sustainability policy that guides their operations, if they have any initiatives that help to restore or protect the ecosystem, and how they support local organizations and communities. In the end, it’s really about doing your part to engage with the local community instead of staying within the confines of a chain resort or cruise.

“It is your role as a traveler to understand the essence of a place, its history, and all that the destination embodies,” summarizes Ho. “Regenerative travel is about moving away from the predictable and becoming more engaged in the local community and ecosystem.” 

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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