Uh, Is Laser Hair Removal Safe? Let’s Chat Side Effects, Pain Level & Myths

According to board-certified dermatologist Hadley King, M.D., laser hair removal treatments emit light of a wavelength that is absorbed by melanin and the root of the hair. “That light energy is converted to heat, which permanently damages and destroys hair follicles,” she says. 

Winnie Moses, M.D., a board-certified medical aesthetics doctor and founder of Parfaire Medical Aesthetics in Los Angeles, says laser hair removal targets hairs which are in their active growth phase. Once the treatment is complete, those hair follicles are destroyed and won’t grow back during the next cycle. But because hair grows in three phases, anagen, catagen, and telogen, not all follicles are in the same stage at the same time—so you’ll need multiple laser treatments to optimize the results. “This is why the process of hair removal is typically done in five to six sessions, one month apart,” Moses says. 

We should also note that this professional hair removal service can be pretty expensive (and not to mention time-consuming)—so it’s not a realistic option for everyone. Plenty of people do find it helpful, but by no means is it the only way to rid unwanted hair; we’ll offer some alternative hair removal methods down below. 

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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