This All-Star Antioxidant Can Help Your Skin’s Lipid Layer Too

A little briefer on CoQ10: It is a fat-soluble compound that’s found in all your cells. In fact, it’s the only lipid-soluble antioxidant your body produces naturally. It’s known as a “coenzyme” because it’s needed for other enzymes to function. Additionally, it plays a vital role in mitochondrial health, meaning it critically supports cellular energy.* All in all, it’s a pretty impressive nutrient-like compound. 

But back to the lipid peroxidation part—uh, what is it exactly? Research shows us that lipid peroxidation occurs when free radicals and oxidative stress unbalance and compromise cell membranes and lipids. You can probably understand why that’s not great for your skin: Your skin cells and skin barrier need lipids to stay intact and healthy. Luckily oil-soluble vitamins can help. Enter: CoQ10.* As we noted, your body produces it naturally, but as you get older, it declines, meaning it may be beneficial to supplement with the antioxidant.* Honestly, at any age you may just be interested in a targeted dose of this skin-loving bioactive.*

For example, supplementing with ubiquinol, the most bioactive and bioavailable form of CoQ10, has been clinically proven to increase levels of CoQ10 in the body.* And because of these antioxidant properties, research shows that CoQ10 supplements can reduce wrinkles and lines while enhancing skin smoothness.* 

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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