Think You Met Your Twin Flame? An Expert On Why You Should Be Careful

Twin flame relationships are powerful, but that power can make the relationship feel all-consuming, to the point where couples may not set boundaries or may become codependent. “The very fact that a person believes you are ‘meant to be’ can cloud their judgment about issues in the relationship,” Spinelli explains.

When this happens, and conflicts or issues arise, twin flames may brush them off or make excuses because they think their connection is more important. “If they are abusive,” she adds, “we might not allow ourselves to acknowledge it and leave the relationship, because we associate this person as one who has a shared desire for our happiness and only our best interest at heart.”

And because twin flames consider each other their other half, it’s not uncommon to become enmeshed and even take on certain traits from the other—even negative ones. “If they have low self-esteem, for example,” Spinelli says, “the other half of the twin flame relationship can see themselves in a similar manner.”

Lastly, there’s a lot of pressure and expectation that comes with twin flame relationships, as people feel they should be “deeply understood” by their partner, she adds. “If the twin flame partner doesn’t meet these expectations, criticism and harsh communication may result. Triggers from our childhood, such as fear of abandonment, can also play out, creating the need to control or a lack of trust,” she adds.

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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