Smart – Less Meat More Veg Source For Healthy Lifestyle Tips, News and More! Fri, 15 Oct 2021 14:32:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nootropics and Smart Drugs: Brain-Boosting Substances? Fri, 15 Oct 2021 14:32:20 +0000
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Seems humans have always been in a constant search for the silver bullet or magic pill to make us faster, stronger, and smarter. Sure, there are more difficult and time-consuming ways of getting these things done, usually with training and education. But people are fascinated (and dare I say obsessed?) with the search for a substance or “hack” that will make it easier.

While this is an age-old search, today we have different options that are gaining popularity. Smart drugs and nootropics, as they’re called, are still widely unknown to the general population. That includes both benefits (and risks) that they may have.

The movie “Limitless” drew interest in these types of substances because the main character finds a smart drug that allows him to have a superhuman brain. But then he goes on to face the unintended consequences of the drug.

Do you want to be “limitless?” Well, let’s explore the ups and downs of these nootropic supplements and cognitive enhancers.

What Are Nootropics?

Nootropics and smart drugs are substances that enhance cognitive performance in some way. They can be herbs, higher-dose vitamins or minerals, food-derived, or manmade. Nootropics can come in many forms, including:

  • Nootropic supplements (such as ginkgo biloba, B vitamins, rhodiola rosea, and l-theanine)
  • Prescription “smart drugs” (including Adderall, Ritalin, Selegeline, and other amphetamines)
  • Foods (like coffee, coconut oil, MCT oil, green tea, and omega-3 fatty acids)

To be considered a nootropic (which “smart drugs” fall under), a substance must fulfill five criteria. Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, a psychologist and chemist, is the first who coined the term. His criteria are:

  • The substance should enhance the brain in some way.
  • It should improve cognitive performance under stress (such as electrical shock or oxygen deprivation).
  • Have protective properties that defend the brain against other harmful substances.
  • It should increase the way that the brain’s neurons and neurotransmitters communicate and act in the cortical and subcortical regions.
  • It should be non-toxic and have no harmful side effects.

Seems like a tall order, huh?

Weighing the Options

As you can imagine, this limits the number of substances that technically meet the definition of “nootropics.” As Bradley Cooper’s character found in the movie “Limitless,” substances that offer incredible benefit and seem too good to be true often are.

The terms “nootropic” and “smart drug” are often used to refer to any substance, supplement, or chemical that improves cognitive performance in some way. But many of these substances do have side effects. That means they do not meet all of the technical criteria for being a nootropic.

The two terms—nootropics and smart drugs—are often used interchangeably. But there are important differences in their mechanisms and safety.

What Are Smart Drugs?

Smart drugs are typically prescription drugs that are used to improve mental sharpness or brain function in some way. They may be prescribed medications for a certain condition, like ADHD, or they may be used for off-label purposes.

  • Adderall (amphetamines) and Ritalin (methylphenidate) are both psychotropic medications that are used for ADD or ADHD to improve cognitive performance by regulating neurotransmitter functions. They may also be used in people who do not have these specific diagnoses, but feel they need support for clearer thinking and better brain organization.
  • Piracetam, a type of racetam substance, is another example that may be used for cognitive enhancement. It is typically used to treat muscle spasms, but has also found use as a smart drug since it is available over-the-counter in the U.S. as a compound—not a supplement, but not a drug either. In many other countries, it requires a prescription.
  • Provigil (modafinil) is a stimulant drug that is typically used for treating narcolepsy or sleep apnea, but may also have off-label use for cognitive impairment. Ben Greenfield talked about this in one of his podcasts, and noted that even if a smart drug can improve brain function, if it has side effects (as nearly every smart drug does) it’s not actually a nootropic.

I saw firsthand how these types of prescription medications could be abused when I was in a highly competitive honors program in college. Students weren’t just trying to improve cognition, they were trying to be smarter and more focused while also sleeping less. I also saw how these could affect people with misuse and as the drugs wore off, with insomnia, irritability, and even dependence.

I’ve always stayed away from smart drugs because while they offer some potentially impressive benefits, they also tend to come with side effects. I have always preferred natural options whenever possible. Call me old-fashioned, but I’ve also always assumed the best way to improve my cognitive performance is to regularly challenge my mind—without the need for pharmaceutical assistance!

Benefits of Nootropics

I can honestly say that I’m excited about what nootropics can offer based on the thorough and promising scientific research available. We can all use a leg up in life (moms especially!) so as the research develops I’ve become more and more open to nootropics as a health tool.

Many of us moms use substances that affect the brain daily anyway, especially caffeine and sugar. I wanted to see if there were other natural ways to improve energy and brain performance.

Natural nootropics work to boost brain function and also improve your brain’s health. So you’re not sacrificing better function now for consequences later. They actually work by dilating the small arteries and veins in the brain. This leads to increased circulation, nutrient delivery, and oxygen flow in the brain. All of these are important to promote anti-aging benefits, too.

Note that even natural substances that improve cognition do have an effect on the brain. While there isn’t a single way that they work, most affect the brain by changing the neurotransmitters or hormones in the brain. It goes without saying that it is vitally important to ensure the safety of any substance and check with a doctor before using anything that may affect the mind in this way.

Deciding Which Nootropics to Try

I stuck to substances that seemed to meet the actual definition of “nootropics.” I wanted benefits and cognitive protection without the negative side effects. I found several that seemed to be very effective.

Types of Nootropics

Many types of substances get lumped into the broad category of “nootropics” or “smart drugs,” though not all of them technically meet the criteria. That said, there are several classes of herbs, supplements, and even foods that seem to improve cognition.


These are natural substances that help the body handle stress. They may also:

  • Help improve cognition
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Increase memory

Examples include herbs like ginseng, maca, ginkgo biloba, and cordyceps.

Adaptogens have a balancing effect on the brain. They are not stimulants and they don’t induce sleep, but they can have those effects depending on what your brain needs. Some people take ashwagandha, an herb that is both a nootropic and an adaptogen, and it can make them sleepy—if they’ve been too stressed to relax enough to rest. Others could take it and feel more alert if their stress has been making their brain feel tired and sluggish.

Also, adaptogens literally help the body to adapt to the circumstances at hand. Since stress and exhaustion are two factors that can greatly decrease cognitive ability, it makes sense that adaptogens may improve brain performance by balancing the body and reducing stress.

Some of the most common adaptogens are:

Keep in mind that some adaptogens, like ashwagandha, are not recommended for people with Hashimotos. This is because they can stimulate the immune system enough to potentially worsen antibody levels.

What I did: I personally tried maca and cordyceps (when I wasn’t pregnant or nursing) with good results. I drank a coffee that contained cordyceps extract and used a maca and greens powder.

Food-Based Nootropics

Nature provides many natural foods and herbs that support the body in various ways, including supporting brain health (with or without side effects). Popular substances that we know affect the brain include caffeine and high doses of certain amino acids or herbs.

These are my go-to brain boosters, as most foods are generally considered safe (even while pregnant/nursing). They support and nourish the body in other ways as well. The best option for ensuring optimal brain performance and overall health is to consume a nourishing and varied diet. When I need a brain boost, I am more intentional about adding these foods:

A Note on Coffee

Coffee is the only nootropic food that is essentially dose-dependent. In smaller amounts, it can lead to increased focus and optimized brain function. But if you take in too much caffeine, you may get jittery, feel anxious, or experience other side effects. This would negate the nootropic benefit.

Caffeine as a supplement is also risky and not considered to be a nootropic. It would be classed as a psychoactive substance with too many potential risks since they are not dose-regulated.

Nootropic Supplement Blends

Much less often, I’ve used specific nootropic supplements designed to improve mental performance. I tried quite a few and only saw results without side effects from a couple of them.

Alpha Brain

The first is called Alpha Brain, an herbal nootropic supplement designed to increase focus and concentration. I noticed that it helped my energy and focus much more than coffee without making me jittery as coffee can at times.


Dave Asprey introduced me to this supplement and I was amazed at how effective it was for me. It is essentially a “nootropic stack” meaning a combination of herbs that are designed specifically to support the brain. I would take this supplement on days that I needed to be able to concentrate on writing or meet deadlines. I noticed a big difference in focus and concentration.

When I wasn’t pregnant or nursing, I would often alternate these supplements a couple of times a week with good results.


This supplement increases cerebral blood flow, thus enhancing nutrient delivery. It is made from the Periwinkle plant and without side effects. Vinpocetine is most effective when taken on an empty stomach. I haven’t tried this one personally.

Huperzine A

This substance, derived from Chinese Club Moss, raises acetylcholine levels. Acetylcholine serves as a major neurotransmitter and cellular communication molecule. It is important for muscular contractions to occur as well. This is another one I don’t have personal experience with.

Should You Try Nootropics?

The answer depends on what you’re looking for and your stage of life. Smart drugs aside (since you can’t or shouldn’t get these without your doctor’s approval), most nootropic supplementation won’t be considered safe in the context of trying to conceive, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. If that’s where you are, best to save the idea for a different stage of life.

While most people assume that supplements are “safe” because they’re natural, most medications and supplements use the same pathway in the body to be metabolized and put to use. So, if you’re taking several different supplements, or some supplements with medications, it’s a good idea to run it by your provider. Some supplement combinations can have some potentially serious risks for liver or kidney health.

If you have none of the above concerns, healthy individuals should still remember that the FDA does not regulate dietary supplements for effectiveness. Ask your healthcare provider or alternative medicine specialist for trusted brand recommendations. You can also use or look for other third-party certifications and testing to verify which supplements are high-quality.

The Bottom Line

Nootropics aren’t a magic bullet and they won’t create superhuman abilities as they seem to in movies. There are some natural substances that may help improve brain performance.

Smart drugs, on the other hand, have potentially dangerous side effects (especially when used off-label or by someone they were not prescribed to) and should generally be avoided, especially without the oversight of a trained doctor or medical professional.

If you’re ready to keep learning more, I highly recommend this podcast I recorded with Dr. Ted Achacoso.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Tim Jackson. He is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Rehabilitation and a Functional Medicine provider. He holds a B.S. Degree in Health Science and Chemistry from Wake Forest University. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Ernesto “E” Gutierrez. Dr. E is a physician by training and an educator by choice. His training background includes an MD degree and additional degrees in Age Management and Regenerative Medicine. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Ever tried any nootropics or smart drugs? What did you think? Share below!

  1. Faraone S. V. (2018). The pharmacology of amphetamine and methylphenidate: Relevance to the neurobiology of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and other psychiatric comorbidities. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 87, 255–270.
  2. Suliman, N. A., Mat Taib, C. N., Mohd Moklas, M. A., Adenan, M. I., Hidayat Baharuldin, M. T., & Basir, R. (2016). Establishing Natural Nootropics: Recent Molecular Enhancement Influenced by Natural Nootropic. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2016, 4391375.
  3. Panossian A. (2017). Understanding adaptogenic activity: specificity of the pharmacological action of adaptogens and other phytochemicals. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1401(1), 49–64.
  4. Vetvicka, V., & Vetvickova, J. (2011). Immune enhancing effects of WB365, a novel combination of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Maitake (Grifola frondosa) extracts. North American Journal of medical sciences, 3(7), 320–324.
  5. Cappelletti, S., Piacentino, D., Sani, G., & Aromatario, M. (2015). Caffeine: cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug?. Current Neuropharmacology, 13(1), 71–88

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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4 Smart Ways The Health Care Industry Is Going Greener Wed, 08 Sep 2021 05:01:23 +0000

Eco-consciousness is increasing the demand for sustainable industries. Hospitals and other medical facilities generate significant quantities of waste, decreasing their eco-friendliness. They can adopt green technologies and emission reduction practices to improve their sustainability.

Patients hold little power over the environmental effects caused by the health care industry. It is up to the facility owners and managers to engage in environment preservation methods. Before evaluating the strategies, it’s vital to examine the environmental challenges within the sector.

Pollution Generated By Medical Facilities

Hospitals in America produce nearly 29 pounds of solid waste per patient daily. A significant portion of trash derives from pharmaceuticals, municipal and hazardous waste, biohazardous excess and more. Once it leaves a facility, the garbage piles up in landfills, increasing surface and marine pollution levels.

Another contributing factor to health care industry waste is greenhouse gas emissions. About 80% of the U.S. power supply comes from fossil fuels. When medical facilities use electric machines and other devices, they contribute to the enhanced greenhouse effect.

Naturally, Earth’s atmosphere maintains life-sufficient surface temperatures by converting solar radiation into a specific quantity of heat. After generating heat, it warms the surface, gathers excess energy, produces additional warmth and emits unnecessary heat to space. When air pollutants invade the atmosphere, they alter this process, creating environmental degradation.

Greenhouse gases have a higher sunlight-to-heat exchange rate. They also trap excess warmth in the environment instead of sending it to space. Over time, the production and entrapment of heat raises Earth’s temperature.

Raising the global temperature significantly alters the ecosystem’s functionality. Fortunately, medical facilities can decrease their emissions and solid waste production, preserving the environment. There are four ways the health care industry can enhance its sustainability.

1. Ditching Paper

Paper waste in America accounts for 1 billion trees’ worth of clear-cutting annually. Vegetation is essential to limiting the enhanced greenhouse effect because trees filter carbon emissions before reaching the atmosphere. Facilities can decrease paper waste production and air pollution by going digital.

Many medical facilities around the country use the MyChart program and other electronic information platforms. The technology uploads an individual’s records to the cloud, helping professionals access important data from their computers or tablets. Patients can also fill out forms online before coming into the office or facility, decreasing wait times.

Transitioning from paper toward digital information platforms significantly decreases waste. Facilities can increase their sustainability and improve atmospheric conditions when using paperless programs.

2. Installing Smart Lights

Some health care facilities are decreasing their greenhouse gas emissions by installing smart lighting systems. They contain lights with sensors that turn the system off during optimal sunlight hours. Utilizing natural light significantly reduces the emissions associated with electricity use.

Other health care buildings place a solar film over their windows, improving natural lighting without affecting indoor temperatures. During low sunlight hours, facilities may rely on light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, enhancing sustainability.

LED bulbs rely on 75% less energy than incandescent versions. They also last 25 times longer than conventional bulbs, reducing waste over time. Facilities can additionally save money on their utility costs when using energy-efficient bulbs and lighting systems.

3. Eliminating Single-Use Plastic

Single-use plastic waste creates ecological challenges, which medical facilities can reduce. Producing plastic goods requires large quantities of energy and oil, generating atmospheric degradation. Inadequate waste management techniques also increase surface pollution and create adverse effects on marine ecosystems.

Green medical facilities are transitioning away from single-use plastics and adopting reusable containers. Hospitals traditionally reuse medical utensils after sterilizing them in plastic-based blue wrap. The material accounts for nearly one-quarter of all medical facility waste.

Now, professionals are using reusable sterilization containers, limiting plastic trash. Engineers designed the cases for stability and efficiency to withstand years of use and reduce additional waste.

4. Relying On Local Goods

Some medical facilities are engaging in farm-to-hospital food programs. Rather than outsourcing preserved foods to feed patients, hospitals are supporting local farmers and improving the quality of their meals. Purchasing from nearby farms decreases transportation emissions and limits the use of preservatives.

Reducing the quantity of processed foods in a hospital also improves patients’ health. Preserved foods contain high counts of salt, sugar and other health degrading additives. Medical facilities can enhance their sustainability and consumers’ well-being by sourcing food from local agricultural facilities.

The Importance Of Sustainable Medical Facilities

Surface and air pollution produce adverse human health effects. When hospitals and other medical buildings decrease emissions and waste production, they support their community’s well-being. Enhancing the sustainability of a facility reduces ecological and health-related degradation.

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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How Health Got Smart: 4 Innovations In Medical Technology Tue, 27 Jul 2021 17:43:00 +0000

It’s crazy to think that it was less than 100 years ago that Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. Oh, how far we have come since then. We are now living longer than ever and it is mostly thanks to continuing advancements in medical technology.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the innovative medical technology currently being used as well as taking a peek into the future of some of the amazing medical breakthroughs and inventions we can expect next.

Digital Equipment

Medical equipment such as stethoscopes, thermometers, nebulisers etc. are all essential tools of the trade. They help to assist doctors when making their diagnosis, but they’re not exactly what you’d call revolutionary and certainly not ground breaking medical technology. However, if we use the humble stethoscope as an example, more specifically a digital stethoscope, suddenly all manner of benefits come to light, including these:

  • Remote Monitoring – Listen remotely through an app on a smart device. This means that consultants can keep a safer distance from their patients, which is so important in these covid times we live in.
  • Live Streaming – Live stream data to anywhere.
  • Group Listening – Student doctors can listen via Bluetooth speakers to further their medical education.
  • Heart/Lung Listening Filters – Interchangeable listening filters allow clearer results and improved hygiene.
  • Save/Share Records – Wireless connectivity results in improved auscultation records for the patient history file


Telehealth has really taken off over the last 18 months, mainly due to the restrictions imposed on us throughout the covid pandemic. Hospital wards filled up with covid patients, the risk of spreading this new and unknown virus increased, and the shortage of PPE all meant our health system was stretched beyond anything we had ever seen. And as such, routine operations were cancelled, GP surgeries closed, and we all locked ourselves away into the safety of our own homes. But of course, it didn’t stop people getting ill; people still require medical help, even if it is not considered an emergency. So, whilst telehealth was around before covid, you could say that it helped highlight the need for this type of medical care.

Telehealth is basically long-distance healthcare, which is carried out either by telephone consultation or via video technology. So, whereas pre-covid you might have made an appointment to see your GP to ask about a dodgy mole, or an ingrown toenail, for example, now through the use of telehealth you can speak to someone virtually and they can advise you on the next best steps. This not only helps in terms of reducing spread of infection, which at the moment is a crucial factor, but perhaps more importantly long term it saves money, resources, time, and allows medical practitioners to only see the patients who need face to face attention.

Smartphone Connected Devices

The first pacemaker was implanted into a human patient in 1958 and lasted for just 3 hours. Thankfully, pacemaker technology has moved on significantly since then and now last anywhere from 5 to 15 years depending on how often the patients need to use them. Traditional pacemakers are monitored remotely using a console that transmits data to the medical consultant, which works absolutely fine, however this does require the patient to attend regular appointments for data downloads.

Imagine how much easier it would be if you could check your data on your phone? Well, as it turns out, you can with the invention of blue tooth enabled pacemakers. This technology means patients can now access their data almost immediately, using an app on their smart devices. This can also be connected to their physician so that they too can access data remotely at any point. These connected devices offer much greater insight into patient care and could potentially register any irregularities much quicker than the older style pacemakers.

3D Printing

3D printing is state of the art technology that enables the creation of a physical object from a digital design. It works by layering up thin sheets of material and then fusing them together. This process is already being used to create medical products and equipment and even in the creation of prosthetic limbs, however in the future we can expect to see this move one step further and develop into the successful process of bioprinting – the production of natural organic matter.

Being able to ‘print’ living tissues, such as blood vessels, bones, heart, skin or even at some stage in the future, organs is quite frankly what you would expect to only witness in a science fiction movie. But this is real life, and it is something that is continually being developed, and will no doubt happen at some point in our lifetimes. This could be the answer to worldwide organ shortages, while also lowering costs, reducing the need for organ donors, and decreasing the risk of organ rejection. The possibilities are endless!

It is truly remarkable when you think about how far medical technology has advanced in such a short space of time and these are just 4 of the innovative breakthroughs to occur in modern healthcare. There is more to come and we are excited to see what’s next!

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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Drink smart over the festive period Tue, 15 Jun 2021 19:26:21 +0000

‘Coupled with excess eating, heavy drinking over the festive period can put great strain on you body. Setting the intention for a healthier festive season will do wonders for your health and wellbeing,’ explains Brain Food nutritionist Yvonne McMeel

Here are Yvonne’s top tips for on how to make sure you won’t overdo it this Christmas.

  1. Set your intention before you go out, whether you want or don’t want to drink alcohol and visualise this happening beforehand, it’ll help strengthen resolve. Make sure you chat and mingle but avoid standing right beside the bar or holding your glass while you’re talking, a good conversation can distract you from drinking too much.
  2. If you are going to a private party, bring your own non-alcoholic  drink, sparkling water with a drop of elderflower juice is a nice, refreshing, low-sugar alternative and will help to make sure you don’t get caught out. Also be mindful of what you are drinking; allow your glass to empty before being refilled by a generous host.
  3. Make water the first drink you order to avoid using alcohol as a way of quenching thirst. From then on alternate every alcoholic drink with water – it will help keep you hydrated and flush out the toxins through the kidneys, preventing the symptoms of a hangover.
  4. Give yourself at least two to three rest days in between drinking to allow your liver and body to detoxify and recuperate.
  5. Prevention is better than cure. Stick to a heavier meal before you drink instead of assuming a fry-up the next day will make you feel better. Although many people swear by them, there is actually no scientific evidence that such a breakfast will help and generally greasy food will just give you heartburn. Up your system’s support by taking an all-round multivitamin and mineral supplement.
  6. Avoid coffee the morning after; this will only help to dehydrate you even more as it is a diuretic. It is also a vasoconstrictor, which is a substance that causes blood cells to swell, so a morning coffee will only worsen a headache. Instead replace it with a freshly made vegetable juice containing celery, cucumber and spinach to help restore balance and replace lost electrolytes. 
  7. Dilute your alcoholic drinks – a white wine spritzer of half wine and half soda water is a great calorie-reducer; you could save yourself about 100kcals per glass. Choose your cocktails carefully too. Opt for low-calorie cocktails where you can, such as a Cosmopolitan, which has about 99 calories, and swap traditional Eggnog (which contains over 300 calories) for a snowball cocktail – it has almost a third fewer than that. Also, beware of creamy liqueurs and cocktails, swap them for a glass of mulled wine or sherry for an instant calorie reduction.

Photograph: iStock

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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6 Simple Steps To Becoming More Street Smart – Art of Healthy Living Tue, 08 Jun 2021 13:19:41 +0000

Most of us like to think that we are street smart, but unfortunately in reality many of us are not. Being street smart is a different kind of intelligence and it requires a person to hold many different skills and qualities. In the past it has been argued that people are either born street smart or not, but I believe that you can actually teach someone how to become more street smart no matter what their age. There are a number of different things that can be done in order to become more street smart, that can easily be adopted into your everyday life without any hassle. If are looking to become more street smart, then here are a 6 simple steps that you can follow in order to achieve this.

Become More Alert

One of the main qualities that someone who is street smart, or street smarts is that they are alert and aware of their surroundings at all times. No matter where they are or what situation they are in, someone who is street smart will be alert and aware. Being alert involves paying close attention to your surroundings and the environment that you are in. Being more alert also includes analysing the situation and being prepared for whatever might happen next. Becoming more alert is an important quality for everyone to have, regardless of whether they are street smart or not. It is especially important if you are an independent person or just like being on your own from time to time. Regardless of if you live alone or just enjoy doing things by yourself, being more alert and aware in certain situations is an extremely important quality to have.

Stay Strong In Uncomfortable Situations

Following on from becoming more alert in certain situations, an important quality that you should adopt in order to become more street smart is by learning how to stay strong in uncomfortable situations. Unfortunately, many of us will go through a number of uncomfortable situations throughout our lives no matter where we live or what we do. Learning how to remain strong and composed in situations where we may feel uncomfortable or even scared or afraid is a great quality to have and is a true sign that someone is street smart. Street smarts know how to remain calm, yet strong and resilient in situations where other people might feel uneasy. This step allows involves being able to control your emotions, so they don’t influence your decisions or actions in certain situations. Learning how to stay strong in uncomfortable situations and how to control your emotions unfortunately cannot be adopted over night and it make take you a long time to grasp. It may also require you to go through a number of different uncomfortable situations in order to feel comfortable and calm, but once you have done this you will being to feel more street smart.

Gain A Different Perspective

People who are not street smart tend to be very narrow minded and tend to see a situation from only one point of view. In order to become more street smart, you must be able to gain a different perspective and learn how to view a situation from a number of different points of view. There are a number of different things that you can do to in order to gain a different perspective that will allow you to become more street smart. The first thing that you can do is to ask questions. If you find yourself in a situation, for example an argument, you should try to ask the other person a series of questions which will allow you to gain an insight into their perspective or view on the situation. By asking them questions you may actually find yourself agreeing with their perspective, and if not, you will now have a better understanding of where their points of view are coming from. Another way of gaining a different perspective is to ask for other’s opinions and advice, as they may be able to help you. In doing this it will allow you to become less narrow minded and more street smart.

Refuse To Back Down

Continuing on from the points of becoming more alert in situations and gaining a different perspective, if you find yourself in a situation where you believe that you are in the right then you should refuse to back down. Many people who are street smart refuse to back down in situations where they believe that their opinion or action was right, whether it is correct or not. An important step in becoming more street smart is to become more self-assured and truly believe in yourself. So, if you find yourself changing your opinion or thoughts due to the opinions of other people you should remain strong and stick with your opinions, regardless of if they are correct or not.

Admit That You Are Wrong

Although this next step contradicts the previous step of refusing to back down in situations where your opinion may be incorrect, it is important for you to be able to admit that you are wrong. People who are street smart have no problem in admitting that they either acted wrongly or said something incorrect in a situation or argument. Admitting that you are wrong is an important quality that everyone should have regardless of whether they are street smart or not. I believe that admitting that you were wrong in a certain situation shows real inner strength and proves a great level of confidence. Although it can take a lot for someone to admit that they are wrong, doing this will really help you in becoming more street smart.

Trust Your Gut Feeling

Another important step that you can take in order to become more street smart is by learning how to trust your gut feeling. When you are in an awkward or uncomfortable situation, often you instinctively know if something is not quite right or potentially unsafe, which is known as a gut feeling. If your gut starts to tell you that you need to leave, run away, or remove yourself from a situation or person, you should definitely listen to it and act upon this feeling. People who are street smart will automatically listen to this gut feeling and will not second guess their decision in doing so. In most situations, your gut feeling or initial instinct tends to be correct, therefore you should listen to it. Knowing to listen to this gut feeling and then learning how to act upon it shows a sign of self-assurance and level of confidence that many people aspire to have. 

Hopefully from these few simple steps you can now see what it takes to become more street smart. With the help of these steps, you will easily be able to adopt these street smart qualities and characteristics into your everyday life. Being street smart will help you in many different areas of your life and will get you through a number of different situations. Ultimately, this will allow you to become a much more confident and self-assured person.

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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3 Smart Spending Habits To Adopt As We Exit (!!) Pandemic Life Fri, 28 May 2021 14:57:48 +0000

One thing that will make you YOLO real quick is feeling restricted and like your budget doesn’t allow you to have fun. Usually when this is happening, your spending isn’t in alignment with your values and the things that bring you joy. Yes, you can certainly have moments when you don’t have as much discretionary income to put toward those things, but a little bit goes a long way, and setting the intention can keep you focused. When we are spending in alignment with what is important to us, the FOMO and the YOLO kinda disappear. 

Now that you’ve assessed your values, it’s time to actually take some action to make sure that money is flowing to the right places. Budgets are meant to be flexible, not rigid and restrictive. The simple structure of a budget is actually the thing that will allow for freedom and flow. So, if you want to keep some of those hobbies or habits you picked up during the pandemic, it’s important to look at how they can fit into your financial flow in a post-pandemic life. 

There were many things in our lives that shifted, like buying gas, eating out, commuting time, etc. It’s time to start thinking of that list of shifts so you can see how it might affect your resources. Write out everything with the costs so you can make intentional decisions and moves with your money. 

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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