Healthier – Less Meat More Veg Source For Healthy Lifestyle Tips, News and More! Wed, 27 Oct 2021 02:28:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Eating More Of This Can Support A Healthier Gut As You Age, Study Finds Wed, 27 Oct 2021 02:28:31 +0000

Based on their findings, it would appear a polyphenol-rich diet can help improve intestinal permeability in older adults.

As their analysis showed, cocoa and green tea, for example, were positively correlated with butyrate-producing bacteria, which is great for the gut. On the other hand, cocoa and green tea were negatively correlated with zonulin, which is a protein related to intestinal permeability.

As the study’s lead author Cristina Andrés-Lacueva Ph.D. notes, “A higher intake of fruits, vegetables and foods such as those described in this paper provide fiber and polyphenols that could help counterbalance the damaging of permeability due to aging.”

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Taco Tuesday Just Got A Whole Lot Healthier With This Plant-Based Recipe Mon, 25 Oct 2021 16:54:42 +0000

Transitioning to a vegan diet comes with certain sacrifices. Whether the choice is made for moral or health reasons, it’s not always easy to say goodbye to some of your mealtime favorites (I’m looking at you, chicken quesadilla). And it can be made even more difficult when it comes between you and the traditions you’ve long shared with friends and family. That was the case for the author of the new cookbook Provecho, Edgar Castrejón, who worried his decision to go vegan in college would infringe upon his relationship with his family. As a proud first-generation Mexican American, he spent countless hours over the years in the kitchen with his mom, aunts, and grandmothers bonding over family recipes featuring meat-centric dishes that were a cornerstone of his culture. 

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Try This Fun “Boo-zy” Green Juice Cocktail For A Healthier Halloween Tue, 19 Oct 2021 17:06:11 +0000

The mix of veggies like broccoli, kale, spinach, plus sea veggies allows this greens powder to provide essential vitamins and minerals. Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D., CDN, says it’s also a good way to aid digestion: “Because the organic veggies+ contains digestive enzymesprobiotics, and a little fiber, it can be a way to incorporate some gut-healthy elements into your day.”*

If you’re planning to opt for a mocktail, this mix works just as wonderfully with a few ounces of your favorite kombucha swapped in for the liquor portion (which will add extra gut-heathy probiotics to the party).

Because the formula is so simple, it’s actually really easy to adjust it to your tastes and to what you know works best for your body—while some people prefer the botanical feel of gin, others may opt for the more smoky flavor of mezcal or the sharpness of tequila.

While there are added benefits of working a greens powder into your cocktail, it doesn’t mean you’re negating the booze: “Just note, that doesn’t automatically mean your cocktail becomes healthy. A cocktail is still a cocktail,” says Cording. “From my perspective, it’s really about having a good experience and practicing moderation and safety when consuming alcohol.”

Make it even more Halloween-y by opting for a blood orange as your citrus component, or you could cut it with another citrus juice. Since this green juice cocktail takes only four ingredients to put together, it’s simple enough to whip up for any virtual shindig—and you’ll certainly be the toast of the party.

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This Healthier Veggie-Packed Flatbread Sandwich Will Keep You Full All Afternoon Thu, 07 Oct 2021 23:23:20 +0000

Let’s talk sandwiches: They might not be the first thought when you’re thinking of the ultimate weekday lunch, but this recipe hits all the right notes. The first key point, if you’re asking me, is that it’s a toastie—a warm sandwich with just a touch of melty cheese (in this case, parmesan). The second? Perfectly seasoned grilled veggies, that you can prepare indoors.

This sandwich is featured in Nordic Family Kitchen by Mikkel Karstad, and in many ways, is characteristic of classic Nordic cooking. The focus is on enhancing the flavor of the fresh, local vegetables. Plus it uses flatbreads and a sparing dose of cheese to really make the veggies the star.

With zucchini, eggplant, and peppers, you’re certainly accounting for a serving (or two) of veggies in this lunch. Packing your lunch with vegetables will help up your fiber intake and keep you full—what’s more, that bit of fat from the cheese will make sure you feel satisfied, too.

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This Healthier Pumpkin Spice Frappé Is 10x Better Than The Original Wed, 15 Sep 2021 22:41:09 +0000

The intersection of iced coffee season with pumpkin spice season is a very special time—fall may be in the air, but it’s not yet the ideal temperature to switch over to hot coffees. (Excluding those of us who are iced-coffee-all-year or hot-coffee-no-matter-the-weather people.)

However, pumpkin spice beverages are often filled with flavored syrups, which mean 1) you can hardly taste the coffee and 2) it’s…full of added sugar. Instead, this year we’re DIY-ing this festive fall treat, with recipes like this one from Plant Food is Medicine by Nastasha McKeon, founder of Choice Superfood Bar and Juicery.

Starting with homemade vanilla almond milk (McKeon uses sprouted almonds for hers), cold brew, and a custom pumpkin spice blend, this frappé-y version of the fall staple keeps things healthy with whole ingredients—no processed syrups in sight.

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4 Ways To Transform Your Relationship With Food (For A Healthier Body & Increased Longevity) Thu, 02 Sep 2021 21:11:28 +0000

In our busy world, it can be easy to slip into the mindset that eating is something to check off the to-do list three times a day. Amid meetings and notifications, we can forget that eating is a cause worth slowing down for. Because the reality is—eating isn’t a chore. We have a long-term relationship with food. And like all relationships, we want it to be healthy.

In a healthy food relationship, we have a say over the food we’re eating, not the other way around. It’s natural and normal to give in to cravings while still making conscious and nutrient-centric choices that give our body what it needs to thrive. And that’s where Reimagine™ Shape comes in. This herbal supplement, made with organic botanicals and hemp oil, helps us control our appetite and inspires better choices over what we want to eat.* 

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This 10-Second Ice Cube Trick Can Make All Your Go-To Drinks Way Healthier Tue, 10 Aug 2021 13:59:55 +0000

At mbg, we often talk about clever tricks for filling our days with plenty of nutrients—like starting the day with a green smoothie or green juice, optimizing our go-to recipes, or even packing dessert with brain-supporting ingredients. But for a more steady influx of nutrients throughout these hot August days, may we suggest trying spruced-up ice cubes?

“Making herbaceous or citrus-infused ice cubes is another fun (and beautiful!) way to spruce up your water while keeping it cool,” shares registered dietitian Maya Feller, M.S., R.D., CDN. It’s one of the strategies she mentions for how she stays hydrated on even the warmest days—by making the hydration just a little more fun with flavor and color.

Now, hear us out: you may have tried the trendy tricks of adding citrus, herbs, or even edible flowers to ice cubes to boost the flavor of your beverages (or maybe for the aesthetics), but have you ever considered it could be a way to infuse your drinks—be it water, a juice, or maybe iced tea—with extra health benefits?

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Healthier Edible Cookie Dough Is Now A Thing—And We’re Not Mad About It Sat, 07 Aug 2021 13:47:17 +0000

OK, I admit it: I’m totally one of those people who loves sneaking a spoonful of cookie dough before it hits the oven. A food safety hazard? Probably. Delicious? Absolutely.

Like so many of us (I know I’m not alone here), this cookie dough fandom started when I was a kid. I grew up in a pretty health-conscious household (think: more fruits and veggies, less sugary sweets), but on those special nights when baking cookies was on the agenda, I always loved sneaking some raw dough—much to my mom’s dismay. Now, as a health editor and well-being-aware adult, I regularly dream up ways to make more nutritious alternatives to so many of my favorite treats—and that includes cookie dough.

That’s why I was so thrilled when I started noticing healthier edible cookie dough products hitting the market recently. Not only are these products free of raw eggs and generally plant-based, but you’ll also find functional foods on their ingredient list (maca! vitamin C! baobab!).

I’m not the only one taking notice: nutritionist Frances Largeman-Roth, R.D. shared that she’s a fan of the promising trend, as well. “Garbanzo beans and pea protein are often in the mix, which is a great way to add extra plant protein to your diet,” she says. “Just keep your eye on the added sugars. Even ‘healthy’ cookie dough can become not so healthy if it’s overloaded with added sugars, including coconut sugar and maple sugar.”

Curious to give one a try? Here are some of the alternative cookie dough brands we’re drooling over at mbg—which we’re hopeful are just the beginning. Get ready to grab a spoon and dig in!

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You’ll Want To Put This Healthier Homemade BBQ Sauce On Just About Everything Fri, 18 Jun 2021 10:27:46 +0000

Summer means barbecues, and while you could stick to other condiments, there’s almost always a place for a good barbecue sauce. While healthy pre-made options are becoming easier to find, making it from scratch is a surefire way to know what you’re eating. And if you reuse packaging, it can be more mindful for the planet, too.

When we say this recipe is made from scratch, we mean it. Where some barbecue sauce recipe would have you start with canned tomatoes, you begin this recipe with fresh produce, instead. From there, you simply add some vinegar, coconut sugar, and spices to get a sweet, tangy sauce that’s oh-so-satisfying. Use it on anything from chicken to jackfruit to make a wonderful family meal for summer.

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Ask Gerda: Is Beer Healthier than Wine? | Goop Thu, 13 May 2021 15:24:00 +0000
gerda endemann

Gerda Endemann, our senior director of science and research, has a BS in nutrition from UC Berkeley, a PhD in nutritional biochemistry from MIT, and a passion for cherry-picking from our wellness shop. She spends a lot of her time interpreting research—established and emerging. You’ll find some of her deep dives into health conditions in our growing library of articles called goop PhD. You can send your own questions for Gerda to [email protected]

Dear goop, When we go out, my friends act as if they’re making a superior choice by drinking wine, when all I want is a cold beer. You know—resveratrol, the French paradox, and all that. I find beer soothing, and I handle it better than wine. Which is better? —Michaela M.

Hi, Michaela. Don’t let anyone intimidate you. Beer is an amazing invention—full of compounds with demonstrated health benefits. Wine is similar, in that both are complex soups of bioactive chemicals, some of which may make you feel good and some of which may not. It’s an individual thing. I attribute my bad reaction to red wine to histamine, which can cause flushing and headache depending on how well your body is able to detoxify it. The tyramine in ale may do the same. Of course, the alcohol in either can give you a hangover.

Personally, I’ve had a rocky relationship with beer. When I was a kid, I would get carsick, and my dad would try to get me to take a sip of beer to calm my stomach. I hated the taste, and this was probably what caused me to avoid beer for much of my adult life. He wasn’t a lush: Dad kept one beer in a cooler in the trunk to have with a picnic lunch on all-day sales trips. The brand he favored was a smooth dark beer called Bavarian. My best guess is that it was from the Bavarian Brewing Company in Kentucky, now defunct.

Anyway, all this is to explain why deep down, I associate beer with healing properties, especially for digestion. And a few years ago, when my fiancé taught me how to watch baseball and drink beer, I finally discovered its pleasures. I don’t handle alcohol very well, but a moderate amount of a smooth dark beer seems to agree with me. These days, when I say I’ll have “a health beer,” it’s understood that I’m referring to Modelo Negra.

Wine has gotten more press, but whether it’s beer or wine, up to one drink a day for women and up to two per day for men is associated with lower risks of heart disease and diabetes. It’s probably a combination of alcohol, phytochemicals (plant chemicals), and fermentation products that is responsible for the benefits. Drinking spirits is associated with similar but less significant benefits.

Note: This is not a prescription. You do not need to drink alcohol for good health, and it’s of course wise to avoid it if you don’t handle it well. Some researchers argue that for any amount of alcohol, the cons outweigh the pros. Alcohol consumption is linked to increased mortality from many causes, and even the lowest level of alcohol intake is associated with an increased risk of cancer, including breast cancer and oral cancers.

I will assume you know all about the cons, though. And here I’ll share what I’ve learned about beer’s unique properties, beginning with its hops content. Hops are flowers from the hop vine, and they have been used medicinally for thousands of years to support sleep, digestion, and gynecological health. Before hops harvesting and processing was mechanized, it was noted that people became pretty sleepy while doing this work. Maybe my dad thought beer would calm my stomach because of the sedative effects that hops have. Components of hops have even been demonstrated to increase calming parasympathetic nerve activity.

Hops contain numerous bioactive compounds, including unique acids, essential oils, and polyphenols. The hops acids (humulones and lupulones) are important for beer’s characteristic bitter taste. All beer contains hops, although amounts vary. I wish I liked the strong, bitter taste of a hoppy IPA that has more of these compounds. Hops acids and polyphenols—such as catechins, epicatechins, proanthocyanidins, and quercetin—have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.

During fermentation, yeast metabolizes phytochemicals, making the mixture more complex. And after drinking beer, our gut microbes can carry out further transformations. For example, hops—like many plants—contain compounds with weak estrogen-like activity. Metabolism by gut bacteria can greatly increase this estrogenic activity. This may be desirable or not. Female hops harvesters complained of menstrual irregularities. On the other hand, there’s preliminary evidence that the estrogenic compounds might help prevent postmenopausal loss of bone.

Clinical studies have shed light on ways that beer might be promoting cardiovascular health. I bet it’s easy to recruit participants when drinking beer is required. In some particularly revealing research, men were asked to drink beer, gin, or alcohol-free beer—equivalent to about two drinks—daily for four weeks. Those drinking alcohol had improvements in blood chemistry, mainly in their blood fats. But in the alcohol-free beer drinkers, there were different effects, such as decreases in inflammation.

In this research, beer, but not gin, had another interesting effect. The body can repair damaged arteries using stem cells from the blood. These stem cells can repopulate and repair the lining of arteries. Researchers found that the number of stem cells in the blood increased after subjects drank beer or alcohol-free beer but not after they drank gin. The researchers’ conclusion was that beer may have benefits for heart health that spirits don’t. (Before getting too excited, remember that this stem cell research needs to be repeated by others to see if it holds up.)

To get back to digestion, although it doesn’t explain why beer might calm a queasy stomach, research has shed light on how beer can support a healthy gut. One reason hops are added to beer is because they act as preservatives, helping to prevent the growth of undesirable microbes. So it makes sense that hops might affect our gut microbiota, and beer has been reported to promote desirable gut bacteria. In return, gut bacteria help break down polyphenols to make them more bioavailable for us. From animal research, there are indications that hops can improve gut health by promoting healthy barrier function and reducing inflammation and that hops can improve metabolism and blood sugar regulation.

If you want more happy news, beer is also a source of vitamins and minerals. It provides niacin, folate, choline, B vitamins, and a little bit of magnesium and potassium. Some beers contain significant amounts of chromium, a trace mineral needed for insulin function.

And of course, beer is a perfect accompaniment to many foods. It doesn’t get much better than pizza and beer. My fiancé was ecstatic when I took him out to Mentone for his birthday. It’s fancy for pizza but still a cheap date. Here are a few suggestions to help set the mood for your next beer and pizza night in.

Gerda’s Beer-Night Picks

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. To the extent that this article features the advice of physicians or medical practitioners, the views expressed are the views of the cited expert and do not necessarily represent the views of goop.

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