Rosemary Water Rinse: Benefits & An Easy DIY Recipe

Before diving into DIY, let’s address what you’re probably wondering: What does rosemary do for hair? 

Not only does the plant have a long history of use in herbal medicine (it was highly valued in Egypt, Greece, and Rome for its beauty benefits), but research today also presents promise. A 2015 randomized comparative trial found that rosemary essential oil was just as effective as minoxidil (the active ingredient in brands like Rogaine) for reversing hair loss caused by androgens—also known as male- or female-pattern baldness. Of course, these participants diluted the solution in a carrier oil base (you should never apply potent essential oils directly onto the scalp).

That’s not to say rosemary works for everyone; holistic board-certified dermatologist Cybele Fishman, M.D., once told mbg that while she has not found it effective for hair loss, “it is an impressive antifungal.” Plus, rosemary is brimming with polyphenols, like carnosol, carnosic acid, and rosmarinic acid. Considering these antioxidants can help neutralize free radical damage on the scalp and hair, the rinse can help strengthen the strands you have and keep them vibrant and lush.

Now let’s get into the recipe, shall we? 

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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