Hang On A Sec — Should We Be Adding Avocado To Our Coffee?

Sure, you can make a pretty creamy iced coffee with your favorite plant-based milk, but it’s challenging to match that rich creaminess of a dairy-based beverage (former milk-drinking friends, you know exactly what I’m talking about). Luckily, we have a genius solution, courtesy of cookbook author Hannah Kaminsky: avocado. Yes, that’s right: avocado iced coffee. Before you start to think how bizarre that might sound, think back on bulletproof coffees with their added butter—and then reconsider: Is avocado really so out-there?

In truth, this coffee drink falls somewhere between an iced coffee and a smoothie, one that’s packed with healthy fats thanks to the combination of avocado and coconut milk. The key to getting that good coffee flavor is a strong brewed coffee to start with, like a homemade cold brew or a dark roast coffee. Those healthy fats in the drink also may keep you fuller longer than a classic iced coffee—a bonus if your morning brew sometimes accidentally does double duty as your breakfast.

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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