Feeling Overwhelmed? Try This 15-Minute Yoga Routine To Calm Your Body & Mind

Each and every one of us could probably use a little bit of extra calming, grounding energy in our lives right now.

In fact, that’s exactly why yoga instructor, Strala Yoga founder, and mbg collective member Tara Stiles created this 15-minute yoga flow—ideal for whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed.

“This is a simple practice that will help us get into areas of ourselves that feel a bit stuck or tense,” Stiles shares in the video below for mbg. “We’ll listen to what our body and our emotional self is saying, then unblock that energy so we can free it up and become more stable, more strong, and more energized. And, of course, feel better.”

Before you begin, Stiles encourages being thoughtful, and taking care with how you start your practice. That means, finding a comfortable seated position (cross-legged, on your heels, or in a chair) and expanding from there. “Gently roll your body from side to side, or forward and back,” she instructs in the video. “Move slow enough so if you come across a place that feels a little stuck or tense, hang out there for a bit, take a few deep breaths, notice how you feel, and tune into what’s going on with you.”

Stiles also shares a fantastic tip to help get the most out of this flow: Listen to the places in your body that are asking for some attention, similar to how you would listen to a good friend who needs your support. “It’s not even so much about the advice your friend is asking for, they really just want you to listen. When you give your friend that attention, they instantly feel better,” she says. “And we can do that for ourselves, by noticing what’s going on with us—how nice is that?”

Check out Stiles calming, 15-minute flow for yourself, and see just how much better you feel by the end:

This article was originally published by mindbodygreen.com. Read the original article here.

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