Common Injuries To Avoid While Travelling – Art of Healthy Living

Travelling involves taking risks – it involves going to places we’re not familiar with and trying new activities. Many of us also tend to let our guard down so that we can relax and enjoy our vacation. This can create the perfect recipe for injuries.

Getting injured while travelling could end up cutting short your trip. You may even need months of recovery that affect your work and everyday life. This is why it’s important to keep your wits about you and prepare for local dangers so that an injury is less likely to happen. Below are just a few of the most common injuries that people experience while travelling and how you can avoid them.

Road Accident Injuries

A new country or state could have different road conditions and different road laws. When crossing the road or hiring a car, make sure that you know the local rules and customs.

Injuries from accidents involving road vehicles are common while travelling – this could include getting hit while crossing the road or getting into a crash with another car due to unfamiliar road conditions. By doing your research, you can reduce the risk of being in a potentially dangerous accident.

Animal Bites

Animal bites can be common when travelling too. This could be anything from a dog to a deadly spider or snake.

Where possible, avoid contact with animals. You should be particularly careful with stray dogs or wild animals. Getting vaccinated against diseases like rabies and malaria can sometimes be beneficial before travelling to areas where these diseases are rife. You may also be able to take extra measures such as bringing mosquito spray to ward off bugs.

Slips And Falls

Injuries from slips and falls can be common when travelling. Alcohol is often to blame for this – many people tend to drink more while on vacation, which can make people more likely to lose their footing on some stairs or on a wet surface. It’s important to know your limits if you’re not a responsible drinker.

Sometimes poor health and safety can be the cause. For instance, it may be a hotel’s duty to put safety measures in place by a pool to stop people falling over. There are online guides that can tell you what to do if injured at a hotel – compensation may be an option. To prevent such injuries, it’s important to keep your eye out for hazards, especially when visiting a new country where health and safety may not be as stringent.

Physical Overexertion

If you’re planning a long trek or doing a sport such as surfing or skiing on your travels, it’s important to listen to your body. Many injuries while travelling are the result of strains and sprains from overexerting oneself.

If you’re planning to push yourself to your physical limits, make sure you’ve trained for it. Don’t try to climb Kilimanjaro on a whim. You should also make sure you’ve invested in the right safety equipment.

*collaborative post

This article was originally published by Read the original article here.

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